Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs and Substances Training
Excerpt from Oregon Department of Education website, Oregon Department of Education website:
During the 2007 Session, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 517 in an attempt to respond to the very serious issue of use and abuse of anabolic steroids and performance enhancing substances (ASPES) among school-age children. It also specifically prohibited school district employees from promoting the use of these types of products and substances. During the 2008 Session, the content from SB 517 was updated with technical changes as part of Senate Bill 1066. The key components of SB 1066 that captured the intent of SB 517 include:
SECTION 5: ORS 342.726 was amended to read:
- School districts shall include information on anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing substances, including prevention strategies, strength-building alternatives and the understanding of health food labels, in health and physical education curricula for kindergarten through grade 12 students.
- The Department of Education shall ensure that school districts are utilizing evidence-based programs such as the Oregon Health and Science University's Athletes Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids (ATLAS) and Athletes Targeting Healthy Exercise and Nutrition Alternatives (ATHENA), which have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing anabolic steroid and performance-enhancing substance use by high school athletes.
- The department shall work with voluntary organizations approved to administer interscholastic activities under ORS 339.430 to require school district employees* who are coaches or athletic directors to receive training once every four years on identifying the components of anabolic steroid abuse and use and prevention strategies for the use of performance-enhancing substances...
These three provisions of the bill first apply to the 2009-10 school year.
School districts can include information on anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing substances in their annual drug and alcohol training to staff. School districts can also incorporate anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing substances into classroom drug and alcohol curriculum.
An employee is: a) An administrator, teacher, or other person employed by a school district; b) A person who volunteers for a school district; and c) A person who is performing services on behalf of a school district pursuant to a contract.
NFHS Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs and Substances Training
New Online Training Option Beginning 2017-18
To help the interscholastic community address this issue, the NFHS has created this APEDS course. The course explains what APEDS are, what forms they take, and what their effects can be on students. It highlights the reasons why students use APEDS in and out of athletics and gives guidance and resources for detecting and preventing the use of APEDS.
This course satisfies this training requirement and is available for free online. Individuals that complete this online training course can have their information synced like any other NFHS training course on the OSAA Manage Staff page's NFHS Sync feature.
Take the NFHS Training and Assessment*
The National Federation of State High School Associations hosts a free online training course on the NFHS LearningCenter. Click the link below to access their training.
ODE Anabolic Steroids and Performance Enhancing Substances
List of Completed Assessments
Districts may request a bi-monthly list of all participants who have completed the Anabolic Steroids and Other Performance Enhancing Drugs training and assessment from the Oregon Department of Education by contacting Claire Kemmerer at
This list is updated periodically, last updated: Wednesday 2/19/2020.
Take the ODE Training and Assessment
The Oregon Department of Education hosts their training and assessment on their website. Click the link below to access their training.